Now CheddarGetter can automatically post in Campfire chat when stuff happens in CheddarGetter! We’re calling it Fondue because why wouldn’t we. How Does It Work? When the Campfire service hook is enabled, CheddarGetter immediately sends a success message to your Campfire room. Then, as events occur, CheddarGetter sends messages to Campfire when: A new customer […]
This month’s Customer Spotlight has a special place in my heart. OSHAtrac is a SaaS company that makes keeping track of OSHA reporting easy. As a former manager of a fairly large restaurant kitchen, I only wish this was available back in the 90s. OSHA is an agency that kitchen managers love to hate. They […]
The only way to overcome the near complete disregard of most display advertising is to create ads that are visually different from the page they are on, intrinsically interesting, and relevant. The doctor ad above is our best performer. Also, keep your color and aesthetic consistent to develop brand recognition.
On January 11, 2012, CheddarGetter was unavailable beginning at around 17:03 UTC. This unprecedented and unexpected downtime lasted for approximately 2.25 hours. No data was lost, and no payments will be lost. Now that we are back up, our system automatically processes the payments that were due to be processed during that period. But during […]
As a follow-up to my “Wrong Way to Talk to Bloggers” post, here is a list of things you should keep in mind when reaching out to bloggers: Know who you’re talking to. It’s a marathon not a sprint. Stroke the ego, but don’t ingratiate yourself. Don’t bullshit. Make it easy. Plus 6 Tips that […]
With CheddarGetter you can initiate one-time transactions. The CheddarGetter team is focused on creating the most user-friendly, adaptable billing system out there. We know that as an entrepreneur, you need options and flexibility, especially when it comes to billing your clients. That’s why we allow you to offer one time transactions and recurring billing plans […]
I was recently talking to a friend in NYC who is getting ready to launch what should be an awesome online photo service. He was considering Cheddar, and we had a few email exchanges and one in-person meeting to talk it through. At the end of the day, he and his partners decided against us, […]
During the course of marketing a business online, you’ll likely want to reach out to some key bloggers who are already talking about your industry. There are some keys to doing this successfully, which I’ll cover soon. But first, I’d like to explore the wrong way. Here’s an email I received this morning: Hi! Thank […]
Use titles that are relevant to the content. The reason this happens is because you actually went to high school, and don’t have either a crippling brain-injury or a Monty Python-esque penchant for the surreal. The title should describe what you’re writing about, in a way that’s either immediately meaningful or will rapidly become so […]
1. Flexible. An online recurring billing manager needs to accommodate a lot of different possible billing scenarios, so that you can easily make changes to your revenue model, pricing plan, customer incentives, or anything related to billing. Flexibility is especially important with start-ups who may not have worked out their exact business model yet, and […]